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Build complex backends
in no-time

The backend world gets to the next era with the code0 no-code platform. From database modelling to scalable backend endpoints in no-time all within our sleek and easy to use dashboard made for everyone. Everything is open source and with out Community Edition you can tryout our software locally.
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Example image of code0 software

Create flows in

With our easy to use flow builder you can create complex endpoints in no-time.We support every operation you can imagine or do in a "normal" programming language.
  • Suggestions based on flow
  • Unlimited extensions through our open-source marketplace
  • Test your flows directly with dynamic runtime
BRANCHIf-Then branch with condition
With this branch its possible to compare or check content for a specific condition and execute a sub flow based on the result.
ACTIONSend mail with template
Send mail to given mail address and select a created template and payload you want to parse in.
ACTIONSend message over phone number
Send a text message to a given phone number.

We are

Our complete platform is open-source and everyone can contribute to the backend revolution. With our free-to-use self-hosted community edition you can tryout new features and play around.Contribute now on GitHub
def execute authorization_token = request.headers['Authorization'] current_authorization = find_authorization(authorization_token) return head :unauthorized if authorization_token.present? == current_authorization.none? return head :unauthorized if current_authorization.invalid? return head :forbidden if !current_authorization.mutations_allowed? && mutation? && !anonymous_mutation? current_user = current_authorization.authorization&.user variables = prepare_variables(params[:variables]) query = params[:query] operation_name = params[:operationName] context = { current_user: current_user, current_authorization: current_authorization.authorization, } Sagittarius::Context.with_context(user: { id: current_user&.id, username: current_user&.username }) do result = SagittariusSchema.execute(query, variables: variables, context: context, operation_name: operation_name) render json: result rescue StandardError => e logger.error message: e.message, backtrace: e.backtrace, exception_class: e.class if Rails.env.local? render json: { errors: [{ message: e.message, backtrace: e.backtrace }], data: {} }, status: :internal_server_error else render json: { message: 'Internal server error' }, status: :internal_server_error end end end

Extensions by us

We support dozen of APIs and endpoints directly out of the hood. With out open-source SDK everyone can contribute and publish there own extension.
  • Self-host ready
  • Create your own extension with our open-source SDK
  • Input and output suggestions even for extensions

adapters by us

Adapters are the entry and trigger for the created flow. For the time being we are planning with three adapters.
  • REST adapter to create endpoints rapidly fast
  • MQTT to subscribe to topics / events
  • AMQP to receive messages from a queueing service
TRIGGERRepresentational State Transfer
Build REST endpoints in seconds with integrated database and easy to use algorithms
TRIGGERMQTT Subscribe to topic
Subscribe to a MQTT protocol emitting service and build flows based on message
TRIGGERAMQP Receive message
Receive messages trough a AMQP queueing service and build flows based on message

What our Community says

The platform enables everyone to create complex backend infrastructure in no-time. It completely replaces the need to learn any programming language and everyone can build flows.
logo of quote
Nico Sammito
Co-Founder Code0
Code0 is a game-changer, simplifying the creative process and letting me focus on the big picture without any coding needed
Dario Pranjic
Ruby / Java backend developer
Code0 allows me to quickly create my personal projects and host it without complex infrastructure configuration or server maintenance.
Niklas van Schrick
Gitlab Core-Team

Backend revolution
in a Roadmap

Good products need time. We will work hard to release it a soon and good as possible.
Oktober 2024
First test release
In the test release we will check the main functionality. Mainly its about the flow builder and the execution over REST.
January 2025
First alpha release
In the alpha phase we will introduce more features, fix bugs and increase user experience
April 2025
First beta release
Now its time for MQTT and AMQP support. The focus will be the extension of our adapters.
Mai 2025
Full release self-hosted version
Everything is bundled and shipped for the first release of our community edition in a self-hosted environment.
Code0 Logo2024-present Code0 Technology
The backend world gets to the next era with the code0 no-code platform. From database modelling to scalable backend endpoints in no-time all within our sleek and easy to use dashboard made for everyone. Everything is open source and with out Community Edition you can tryout our software locally.
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